CCM 2024 - Anders Wijkman - A road map to a better future

Season 3, Episode 1,   Sep 17, 01:53 PM

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Anders Wijkman is a Swedish opinion leader and author. His professional career includes Membership of the Swedish Parliament (1971-78), Secretary General of the Swedish Red Cross (1979-88), Chair International Red Cross Disaster Committee (1984-88), Director General Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries (1992-94), Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and Policy Director of UNDP (1995-97), Ambassador Swedish Foreign Ministry (1998-99), Member of the European Parliament (1999-2009). 
Anders has given priority to issues related to humanitarian assistance and principles as well as sustainability in all its dimensions. During his Red Cross years he focused a lot of attention to disaster prevention. One result was his book with co-author Lloyd Timberlake “Natural Disasters – Acts of Gor or acts of Man?” He was also very committed to assisting victims of HIV-Aids and played an important role in the world-wide efforts to prevent the disease from spreading.
Anders has been an active member of the Club of Rome since 1989. Together with Ernst v Weizsäcker he was co-president of the Club 2012-2018. During those years he and Ernst co- authored “Come On – Capitalism, Short-termism, Population and the Destruction of the Planet” (Springer). 
Anders is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, World Academy of Art and Science, the World Future Council and, as well, an active member of the International Resource Panel, whose most recent report Global Resources Outlook 2024 conveys a most somber message with regard to the overuse and overexploitation of the world´s natural resources. The main conclusion – sort of a follow-up to the Limits of Growth message from 1972 – is that material consumption cannot continue to grow indefinitely and that high-income countries and high-income takers all over the world must start reducing their material footprints – to give room for poor people having their share of Nature´s wealth and to stabilize the climate and save biodiversity.