Breaking Free: A Guide to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Sep 17, 01:36 AM

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Are you constantly second-guessing yourself in your relationship? Do you feel like you're walking on eggshells, never knowing what might trigger an outburst? You might be trapped in a cycle of narcissistic abuse. This podcast explores the manipulative tactics narcissists use to control their victims, with a focus on gaslighting, emotional manipulation, and triangulation, and how these tactics contribute to self-doubt and erode your sense of self-worth.

Each episode will break down these complex concepts using insights from the book "Pasted Text" and real-life examples. We'll examine how narcissists create an environment of chaos and uncertainty, leaving you feeling anxious, drained, and questioning your sanity. We'll explore the devastating impact these tactics have on your mental health and provide practical strategies for breaking free from the cycle of abuse.

This podcast is for you if:

You're struggling to understand the dynamics of your relationship with a narcissist.

You're experiencing gaslighting, emotional manipulation, or other forms of abuse.

You're ready to reclaim your power, set boundaries, and begin the journey of healing.

Join us as we navigate the complexities of narcissistic abuse, providing support, validation, and a roadmap to recovery. You are not alone.

Follow us on social media and submit your story!