Surviving September 11th. True Accounts of Survival Stories

Season 6, Episode 18,   Sep 11, 06:01 AM

Episode image
On the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attacks that shook the Nation, Tessa discusses true cases of people surviving the ever-so-deadly day. From a dog leading her blind owner, to a man escaping just in time and so much more.

Warning - the beginning of this episode there is a recording of that day.




Fire fighters amid smoking rubble following September 11th terrorist attack on World Trade Center, New York City
. Sept. 11, 2001. Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, (Accessed September 03, 2016.)

Call Number: LC-A05- D27 [item] [P&P] Forms part of: Collection of unattributed photographs ...

The 250 color slides made at the World Trade Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001, received from the New York District Attorney's office from an unattributed photographer, are in the public domain. Privacy and publicity rights may apply. 

These slides were received from the New York District Attorney's office with the photographer relinquishing any and all copyright and right of attribution. Therefore, the photographer's name will not be associated with these photographs.

Note – This image has been digitally adjusted for one or more of the following: - fade correction, - color, contrast, and/or saturation enhancement - selected spot and/or scratch removal - cropped for composition and/or to accentuate subject matter

- straighten image'

Mike Goad

Public domain