#40 - How to Express Yourself Authentically

Sep 02, 04:00 AM

Episode image
This episode covers:
  • How to understand what you value in life & who you want to be
  • Steps to start living from value over fear to express your authentic self
Humans are a social species. We are hardwired to fit in, not to be our authentic selves. Living from fear is something we all struggle with. Deep down, we know we live behind a mask a lot of the time. And its no surprise that the biggest recorded regret of humanity is “I wish I lived a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me”. In this episode, I cover a 3 step process to help you start living from value over fear, and express your authentic self.

  • 3 Ways I Can Help You:
    • Physical Freedom Program
      • My 1:1 coaching program on how to overcome chronic pain & injury, and reach your athletic potential
      • I have worked with 100s of clients, across 37 different sports/activities, over 3 separate continents. Covering injuries to all joints in the human body
    • Mental Freedom Course
      • My self-awareness course that teaches you how to stop looping & suffering, and skillfully navigate your own mind
    • Lifestyle Design University 
      • From must €49, you can have the blueprint to avoid the biggest regret of humanity, by designing the life true to yourself.
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Don’t Settle,
Live True to Yourself