Orbs, Sasquatch, Levitating rocks, UFO - Board Camp Crystal Mine

Aug 15, 05:07 PM

Episode image

"I think the paranormal is not a cookie cutter. It's not cut and dried. You see what you need to see and it's a personal experience between you and them." - Orville Murphy, Board Camp Crystal Mine.

Visitors can see evidence of Sasquatch activity. Some of us have also had an encounter. Mine was telepathic - up close and personal - gifted with a crystal.

Revisiting an archived interview and my first encounter with Sasquatch / Bigfoot.

Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas. Cheryl and Orville Murphy said the original plan was to open the mine for crystal digging, then the paranormal kicked in. Rocks levitated and encounters with the unexplained increased.

Orville described a complete about face regarding his beliefs in the paranormal. The extraordinary events he witnessed alongside his wife Cheryl and their son in February 2017 made him a believer.

The activity has been investigated and verified by MUFON, featured on Expedition Unexplained. Visitors have the opportunity to witness the unusual phenomena on site. No guarantees but the potential for experiencing something out of the ordinary is there.

Available for daytime or nighttime visit: UnXplained Tours. Preview some of the unusual activities on their YouTube videos.

Board Camp Crystal Mine. Link.
2024: "We are OPEN seasonally last weekend in February through end of October!"

Related -   

A Flash of Beauty:. This outstanding documentary includes a second installment focusing on the paranormal aspect of Sasquatch. YouTube Link

The orb film I mentioned: Search "Dorothy Izatt, Capturing the Light."

Life saving Sasquatch/Bigfoot encounter in the Ouachita National Forest, near Mena, Arkansas. [7 miles NE of Mena.] YouTube Link.

Wendy's blog: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/
Related blog post: https://wendyscoffeehouse.blogspot.com/2019/09/scixfriday-stevies-aliens-nessie-eel.html

Image Credit: Orville Murphy - posted 2019