QROT-135: Republicans Get What They Constantly Allow. And Americans Suffer.

Aug 13, 10:34 AM

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Here's a lesson. When a lame, deeply unpopular, senile President "steps down" from his candidacy, but his announcement is only in the form of a statement in 2024, it is not on Presidential letterhead, it does not have the Presidential seal, and his signature looks different. . . that is only generally allowed with little question and no real mainstream effort to investigate in ONE direction in 2024. When it's the Democrats. 

When he doesn't show up the next day either except only on the phone, in 2024,  that is allowed in only one direction. When it's the Democrats. 

When later he does show up finally at the White House to give his statement 3 to 4 days later supposedly, and then a clear impostor walks out of the White House for a Rose Garden video appearance (see TSOT100 & TSOT101) to back up the idea that he was actually there, that happens without question or mainstream investigation in only one direction in 2024. When it's the Democrats.

When later a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist (Seymour Hirsch) says that a former President (Obama) forced him down at the threat of the 25th amendment (him being unfit), and that he had permission for that takedown from the person who works replace him (Harris), that only is allowed without mainstream discussion or investigation in ONE direction. When it's the Democrats. 

When weeks later the President finally all but states out loud that he was forced out, and so all of the suspicious time lines and facts before are exactly in line with the reasonable suspicions, that is only allowed without major discussion or further mainstream investigation in ONE direction. When it's the Democrats. 

Had any of this occurred in the opposite direction EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF EVERY SINGLE DAY you would see breathless investigative journalism on who pulled the strings behind the deadbeat candidate that was going to have a horrific election result. 

EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF EVERY SINGLE DAY you would be reminded that the Republicans had time to replace him and decided not to and so they must reap what they sow.

If it was the Republicans you would get breathless reminders EVERY DAY about the proper process for the replacement candidate. 

You would get breathless reminders EVERY DAY that is it it is at least shady and likely downright illegal for a different candidate to get to use the funds of the candidate that was replaced. President Trump has lobbied the elections commission to say exactly that. How should Kamala have immediate access to Biden's 90 to 100 million? People didn't give to Kamala at the top of the ticket. They gave to Biden at the top of the ticket. 

But the big story here is this. it is in one direction because Republicans have for decades now been totally spineless. 
They've seen a two-tiered justice system come to pass. 
They've seen lawfare. 
They've backed down when citizens have called the bluff on clear corruption and not backed up those citizens. To the point of allowing protesters to be thrown in jail for walking slowly through open doors.

And when some of them do show a spine the rest of them abandon those individuals who are applying common sense and opposing corruption. And more often than not they distance themselves from those trying to truly stand up for America and her citizens, and even deride them openly more than they support them.

The Republicans reap what they sow every day. 

And our citizens suffer as a result. 

America dies as a result. 

The last great chance for fairness and TRUE equitable distribution of wealth and opportunity on the planet WILTS as a result.

You allow a two-tiered political system and a two-tiered justice system with powerful people just doing whatever they want whenever they want, up to an including SHATTERING all precedents of proper action by the government and by Presidents, and you only get more of it. 

By the way, white hats, my ass. 

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