The Final Rung...or is it?

Season 3, Episode 21,   Aug 11, 12:03 PM

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In the sermon titled "The Final Rung...Or is it?" from the series "Beatitudes-The Blessing Ladder," Pastor Nick delves into exploring the concept of the kingdom of heaven. He illustrates that though the kingdom is said to be manifesting here on earth, it may not be evident to all. Nick uses the analogy of people's different ways of consuming news to underline the importance of the right mindset when approaching the kingdom of heaven. Encouraging listeners to shed their prior assumptions and convictions, he advocates examining the scriptures from a fresh viewpoint.Nick suggests viewing the Beatitudes in the context of a ladder, each rung offering a pathway for worshipers to visualize and experience God's kingdom. Each Beatitude, he explicates, carries its unique import. He highlights the significance of being poor in spirit, mourning, displaying meekness, craving righteousness, extending mercy, fostering a pure heart, and being a peacemaker. Nick emphasizes that embodying these virtues might provoke persecution, yet believers are advised to stay grounded in their faith.Nick recalls the early disciples who endured persecution owing to their unwavering faith. Urging the present-day audience to live a life of devotion that emulates Christ to others, he mentions that it is praiseworthy if they face mockery for their faith. He refers to instances from the Book of Acts where Christians underwent ridicule, imprisonment, and persecution for upholding their faith. Nick acknowledges the altered landscape of religious persecution in today's society, however remarks that believers may confront insult and shaming for adhering to a righteous life.Concluding, Pastor Nick consoles the believers that a holy life may draw persecution but also acts as an encouragement for them to stay staunch in these beliefs. Using the examples of biblical figures who bore persecution, Nick underscores fixing one's gaze on Jesus. He affirms that believers should treasure insult and persecution for their faith as blessings, keeping in mind their reward that is secured in heaven.