TSOT099: Kamala, If Elected - Our First "White" Female President Descended from Slave Owners

Aug 09, 09:52 AM

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(None of this should matter but since in 2024 color gets to sit in for the value and worth of argument then we should discuss the authenticity of the argument for color)

The argument here is simple. She is descended from slave owners. Says her quite white looking, born in the 40s, Jamaican citizen father, Donald J Harris.

Therefore her Jamaican side is not a straight black side as gets portrayed in the cartoon version* of the 2024 election. 

*That the illegitimate "main" media portray

And, given that prominent families don't normally just give away their prominence it is just as likely that that family would tend to continue to marry into the white elite side of Jamaica society throughout most of the lineage down to Kamala. 

Then isn't there a very good chance that Kamala's Jamaican side has just as much white lineage in it as it does black? It's a very good chance. 

And there's a decent chance it has significantly more white lineage in it.

 Thus if we can argue that someone is the first female black President even if she may be well under one quarter black, then can't we argue that she is the first white female president if she may be well over one quarter white?
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