Battle Action Force Comics with Brian Hickey

Episode 125,   Aug 07, 09:01 PM

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Order of Battle Podcast episode 125

Total Toy Books has been working with Rebellion and Hasbro to bring about a series of Treasury Edition Hardcover Battle Action Force comics! It is truly gorgeous and right now there is a pre-order deal getting close to ending that will save 33% off the cover price! 

Brian Hickey and Jason sit down to chat about Action Force, its ties and separations with GIJoe. The comics, the legacy, the creators, and more. 

You still have time to pre-order, but if you want it for 33% off the cover price, that time is running out! 17 August is the final day to get the pre-order deal. Go to Total Toy Books and pre-order this Battle Action Force set!

Total Toy Books:

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