Tuesday, August 6: How High Is Your Electric Bill?; Stealing A Police Cruiser While A Cop Was Still Inside; Relationship Red Flags

Aug 06, 07:59 PM

Episode image
Guess how high the electric bill is? Chaz and AJ introduced a new game to the air this morning, and found only rage, or people bragging about their solar panels. (0:00)

Dumb Ass News - Brian Foley joined the show to explain how a police officer's cruiser could be stolen, while the officer was IN the cruiser. (18:14)

Comedian Vince Berry shared a story of heartbreak which could've been avoided if he had paid attention to the red flags. Justin jumped in to share one, and soon the Tribe called in their experiences with major red flags. (25:01)

Dumb Ass News - A man was arrested for sucking on a stranger's hair at the mall. A wild move for sure, but apparently not the worst thing that Chaz and AJ could come up with. (36:06)