TSOT097: Alice in Wonderland "Scientific" Study Rationale

Jul 31, 11:40 AM

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The criminals build their circumstantial cover. Because there's nothing that otherwise rational human beings won't do so long as grant money is the carrot at the end of the stick. 
A FIVE-YEAR $3.3 million study to find out why some kids are "susceptible" to covid and other respiratory illnesses. 
Susceptible?! Kids??? 
Memory hole, anyone.

It is so obvious. If you had the grant money and the sacred cow titles to initially cover what became a criminal act of, at the very least the most criminally negligent activity in the history of the world, then you might as well throw money at the same bad science establishment that you first used, but this time in order to cover your ass and continue the general lie.

If you've zero morals and know damned good and well that if cosmic justice doled out, you'd find yourself in a cell next to a guy ironically nicknamed "Tiny" who knew damned good and well that your "solution" killed his favorite aunt, then why NOT spend more taxpayer money to help yourself avoid the date?

The simplest minds, and the dishonest ones, will ignore the obvious motivation for people who've done wrong to take part of their ill gotten billions to in essence training expert "witnesses".
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