Bring It On (2000)

Jul 26, 06:52 AM

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Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4 drops the ballet courses and signs up for the cheerleading squad as we watch the 2000 Kirsten Dunst comedy, Bring It On.

May the best moves win.

Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Not THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies!
is back, and now that we’ve got all of that ballet out of our system, it’s time to hit the football field and cheer on the losing team as we bust out our pom-pom’s with 2000’s Bring It On!

I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we collectively cringe at the early 2000’s f-bomb’s are fellow cheerleaders Mike, Ryan, Jackie, Nick, and special guest, Madolyn.

Topics of discussion in this episode include the shocking early 2000’s societal norms, such as everyone being cool with the occasional surprise thumb up a butt; we relive the glory days of the DVD boom; and finally, we write our own prequel which details the insane lengths that Big Red will go to in order to achieve the best cheer routine.

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That’ll do it for this week’s cheer drill. When we come back, we’ll be playing the last track on Hot Dave’s Summer Film Fest Vol. 4: Now THAT’S What I Call Dance Movies! as we take our clothes off once again and prepare for the tango with James Cameron’s action classic, True Lies. Be there! (...or we’ll call Omega Sector on your ass.)