6: Secrets Of The Solomon Islands Part 2: Subterrestrial Giants

Jul 26, 04:00 AM

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The caves in the Solomons are rife with subterrestrial beings who seem to be using advanced technology to travel the islands looking for minerals, World War 2 technology, and islanders for experimentation. But there is another threat that has been there for thousands of years, an ancient threat that is much larger… The Giants.

In Part 2, Joel explores Marius Boirayan’s discovery of giant beings who not only walked the Solomon Islands in past tribal lore but still live there. He also looks at the possibility of different kinds of giants depending on region and subterrestrial DNA manipulation. Joel then dissects several stories, like the Twin Warriors, Five Killer Giant Brothers, and the Giants of Gold Mine Ridge, in an attempt to make sense of the phenomenon, as it appears these giants are still walking the Solomons in the modern landscape.

Website: https://linktr.ee/joelthomasmedia

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Films: merkelfilms.com

Email: freetherabbitspodcast@gmail.com

Distributed by: merkel.media

Produced by: @jack_theproducer

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