QROT-127: Phone Ad ID Data a Great Tool to Investigate Crooks' Associates

Jul 23, 12:05 PM

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The same investigative philosophy that brought us damning evidence of the 2020 election in "2000 Mules" is now brought to bear on the attempted assassination.

A great initial step.

What devices were where and were associated with the attempted assassination and where is the fishiest places that some of those devices went.

An incredible job by Heritage Foundation.

And also a very good observation that they do not want to yet work directly with the investigation because they consider it too tied into whatever might be behind this.

An example: one of the devices associated with the would be assassin went all the way to Washington near an FBI office.

Another visited Butler from bethel on July 4th and July 8th and then had no activity after July 12th.

Is this yet damning? NO. NO. NO.
There could be perfectly good reasons and he might have known associates that would account for that. But it is incredible information to feed a true investigation.
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