The Hum and the Silence, Vol 24: The Extraterrestrial Saints of Norman Harrison

Jul 19, 11:44 PM

Episode image
“This earth is now under close surveillance and profound scrutiny by alien intelligence from distant star systems. I am NOT being silly. I know what I am saying and doing as well as you.” Norman Harrison, 1977

In the early 1970s Norman Harrison started to receive messages from extraterrestrials about such things as... earth's destruction. Were these messages the product of genuine contact, or the result of one man's struggles with life?

Research on this episode was done by the great Jeff Demers


"A Stranger in the City" by Nigel Watson, MUFOB, New Series 14, Spring 1979 

Theme song:
"Ufo" by Floats, available on Soundcloud, iTunes and Spotify

Logo designed by Megan Lagerberg