Kotlarski bridge

Jul 19, 11:07 AM

Episode image
 "The sounds of a night under the Kotlarski bridge came with words from Andrii Shamanov, who captured them. When I read his words, I was sure, that they needed a place in my piece, so I recorded most of them.

"In the house where I temporarily lived, while listening to his recording for the first time, I found an old music box which I also added - as a sound of a station on the way, a timestamp. Lastly I played a sparse piano and sang some little melodies, the two things which are an anchor for me in my migration through life."

Kotlarski bridge, Krakow reimagined by Judith Mann.

Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human migration. 

For more information and to explore the project, see https://www.citiesandmemory.com/migration

IMAGE: *fiedler*, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons