A new government and health after the general election: part 2 – with Hannah White and John McTernan

Episode 46,   Jul 19, 05:01 AM

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As the dust settles after the general election, what can we expect on health and care?

There’s a new Prime Minister in Downing Street and a new political reality in the UK. But what does it all mean for health and care? The incoming government faces a range of complex policy challenges – many of them linked to health and care – and a daunting fiscal inheritance. 

While the public might show patience for a few months, they will expect to see some results quickly – and health is a top priority for voters. So how is the new government going to navigate these tensions? What will being ‘mission-led’ mean in practice? And where is the money going to come from?

To discuss, our Chief Executive Jennifer Dixon is joined by:

  • Hannah White, Director and CEO of the Institute for Government. 
  • John McTernan, Senior Adviser at BCW Global. John was formerly director of political operations for the Labour government from 2005 to 2007.