
Jul 17, 08:39 PM

Episode image
"This sound was recorded in October 2023 in Bethlehem, Palestine, so I initially had a difficult time deciding how to use it. However, after taking in the sound a few times in its entirety I decided that it creates an auditory scene of everyday life in a place that since suffered so much devastation. 

"I chose snippets of the sound that sound like regular interactions and conversations, especially the sounds of human voices and isolated them as each human voice represented a human character and a memory of a instant. I used them throughout the piece matched with a few sets of modal of musical loops and rhythms. I used the audio both played with a high added reverb and resonance, as well as in reverse." 

Bethlehem soundscape reimagined by Janae Jean.

Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human migration. 

For more information and to explore the project, see