A journey through a wall

Jul 17, 08:25 PM

Episode image
"This recording captures my journey from Palestine back to Israel on an empty bus, which took about two hours or more and involved passing through a few checkpoints along the way. 

"Life under Israeli control is notably felt in Bethlehem, where an 8-meter-tall concrete separation barrier was constructed by Israel in 2002. The stated purpose was to prevent suicide bombings and attacks, but it is widely criticized for violating international law and subjecting Palestinians to live like small communities of prisons, leading to a challenging way of life.

"While my experience as a foreigner made the journey relatively easy, Palestinians residing in the West Bank face the requirement of applying for a permit to enter East Jerusalem. This adds an additional layer of complexity and restriction to the daily lives of the Palestinian population."

Recorded by Rafael Diogo.

Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human migration. 

For more information and to explore the project, see https://www.citiesandmemory.com/migration