
Jul 16, 11:03 AM

Episode image
"Astoun’s words are a beautiful, moving, and human story of a remarkable life and sense of purpose. It is a story of direct lived experience. While Astoun speaks gently - what he talks about, about his ‘case’ to help others, is both powerful and the essence of the human spirit of giving.

"For the piece we removed most of the interviewer’s questions to elevate Astoun’s voice. We retained the last question as it pointed to creating a context of a sense of hope for others in Astoun’s words and actions.

"Our approach to the music was simple. We listened and sat in Astoun’s story, went to our music room, set-up on the floor, and recorded live to the room in one take. There was no rehearsal - this was an "in-the-moment" response. We used a combination of analogue beats, keys, and looped synth. What came out seemed almost to been drawn more from what Astoun was talking about in such a calm, considered way. Our response acknowledges Astoun speaks as a witness and mobiliser from the frontline of humanitarian crisis, bringing visibility to the stories of displaced lives in distress at sea, and who would never be heard. 

"Astoun’s resilience is stark and compelling. It urges reflection on what is really happening in the world, and a reminder of the inherent rights of all peoples to safety and dignity. It reminds us of the human capacity for hope and positive action; and our moral obligation to care for each other."

Ocean Viking Astoun interview reimagined by sherman and field.

Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human migration. 

For more information and to explore the project, see