
Jul 15, 12:49 PM

Episode image
On Sunday, October 2, 2022, thousands of individuals took to the streets of Paris in a massive display of solidarity, denouncing Iran's Islamic leadership and supporting the Iranian demonstrators and the Femme Vie Liberté uprising. The protest was prompted by the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who died in custody allegedly for not wearing the mandatory Muslim veil according to authorities. 

This sound recording of the "Woman, Life, Freedom" demonstration, outside of Iran, could provide insight into the freedom of expression that thousands of Iranian migrants have found in France, where many social and political migrations have occurred since the establishment of the Islamic regime in Iran in 1979. 

Recorded by Nilchiani Azadeh.

Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human migration. 

For more information and to explore the project, see https://www.citiesandmemory.com/migration