TSOT091: Thoughts on 7/13/24

Jul 14, 04:33 PM

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(CORRECTION: at about 39:40 I said "manifest destiny" when I meant eminent domain)

0:00 Intro

1. The leashed and collared lapdog "news media" are told they should be cautious about "how they characterize" the event???!! An event that in its simplest high-level headline description is no more complex than "Dog Bites Man"?

2. Said toothless "fourth estate" DOES obey! They characterize it in many ways instead of the simplest and most direct!
-We have been ROBBED of ANY experiences and reactions that are unifying! And that is on purpose.
-Now WHY is it they had to be careful? A speculation, and then an undressing of the idiotic thinking.

3. Recent trending searches, not 16 hours in, do not include this event??? The biggest single political and national moment in 43 years does not make "trending searches"??????
Google IS your enemy. Stop fucking supporting them.

4. Oddities: Presumed breaches of a process the Secret Service should instinctually have down pat.
    a. Not that many buildings.. why are they not ALL covered??
    b. Responsive protective fire FROM podium area? (I'm unsure... just going off someone else's claims of research). Would not be hard to confirm.
    c. I hear ya... things are rough and your heart rate is up... but goodness gracious, create an actual shell around who you're protecting!! If you're GOING to let him stand up (and why was that?), ya damned well better have a detail that is as tall or taller than him! It was a head shot - things are not totally certain yet - don't expose his head again!! (Thanks to my co-host on Kimology 411, Kim Schultz, for helping me realize just how big of a point this is.)

25:07 Questioning what a man does within 30 seconds (to several minutes) as a response to being shot at a rally? Oh.  Okay. So you'd know what's the proper range of reaction there? He almost lost his life.

26:57 Pardon him if maybe he thinks he's IN a FIGHT. Overview of all the things that would give him that impression ( #DUH).
- Steele hearsay falsities, fueled by a political enemy
31:10 - - - Presenting the "evidence" to get the FISA warrant even though investigators knew the weaknesses of the dossier by then but did not tell the judges of them.
31:48 - - - First Impeachment as though Steele had any veracity whatsoever. That contrasting with provable connections by the President who "won".
33:13 - - - Second impeachment
33:24 - - - False conviction, to which no less than (NOT Conservative) world-class Constitutional scholar, Alan Dershowitz said, post-jury decision "I still don't know what the crime is".

After he's almost shot dead,  maybe pardon him if as some instinctual way to rally his supporters he comes up with some off-the-cuff pretty reasonable small gesture and word.

35:47 A direct message to any worthless souls who found themselves angered by Trump's instinctual response to his supporters after he's shot at during a rally.
- - - Let's talk about January 6, dumbasses (not you, listeners - I know you're badasses I'd want to hang out with!).
- - - - - - Ray Epps. The hallway needs breached??? WHY? You can get to other areas now! Like everyone else is. There were not numbers there to populate a new ad hoc "congress." And no one was behind the glass anyway!  So why in hell would they breach it?  Convenient "former ANTIFA" guy, who ANTIFA smelled as a rat, catching convenient 4K footage.

39:22 So let's have the discussion - are we NOT in a fight?

- - - - - True derangement: How does one compare the last four years to the previous four, and conclude the repetition of the LATTER is the threat and/or the "threat to democracy"?  That's BORG COLLECTIVE level stuff.
(NOTE: misspeak at about 42:25. Meant to say 10/22/20, accidentally said 10/20/22 when speaking of smoking gun slides)
- - - - - - - -- - THIS President told you, a YEAR AND A HALF after a contagion, that you did NOT HAVE THE SANCTITY OF THE INTEGRITY OF YOUR OWN BODY. 
- - - - - - - - - - What do they REALLY mean by "threat" - that their actions might be proven in court and they'll get the punishment they deserve. (as if that's going to happen)
- - - - - - - - - - The (non-elected" Non-President who has made MULTIPLE UNILATERAL billion to hundred-billion dollar decisions, is by definition that ACTUAL threat to democracy (except that it is not a maybe - it's happening)

48:04 False conclusion and summary (ha... hey, sometimes a guy's gotta cover more topics)

- - - 49:15 Do the insanes actually think they're "two moves ahead in 3D chess" by mischaracterizing headlines? (They may think that, but they are not)
- - - - - - - 49:48 GOD FORBID what the insanes might do, when they have the WORST NOMINEE FOR A MAJOR PARTY FOR THE PRESIDENT EVER.
- - - - - - - - - - - Clinton crime family - any reason to think they wouldn't be active in decisions of what to do? And if so... their history - why would we imagine ANYTHING is definitely off the table for them? Primary steal from Bernie Sanders. Seth Rich.  Probably not. Let's hope not. 

54:14 Reagan shooting and before - SHARED MOMENT OF SHOCK.

55:28 We're in DANGEROUS TIMES NOW. 
- - - - - -  YES, speculation is important  - just make it clear you're speculating. Speculation is the fuel of investigating what may have gone on.  
59:22 - - - A MAJOR issue is that the bluff of Biden "winning" is becoming so unbelievable at this point, making the election more unsteal-able than 2020. 

1:02:55 ASIDE: Foreign powers potential actions of realizing the treasonous Demon-crats WANT THE BORDER OPEN AND ARE KEEPING IT OPEN. Embedding of infiltrating foreign agents who ARE loyal to THEIR country. 

1:05:48 Contrast of the spirit of the LOYALTY to their country of the foreign countries we're supporting financially, versus the total non-loyalty to their own country by those making the decisions to send our war support (equipment and our debt dollars) there.  We're rabidly supporting the integrity of a country, while absolutely deciding we want NO integrity in our own. 



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