Le loup et l'agneau

Jul 14, 01:29 PM

Episode image
This is my daughter at age 9, reciting a Fable by Jean de la Fontaine in French. 

Migrating often requires navigating between languages. My daughter was born in Colombia, but I wanted her to  speak and write in French. So I home schooled her in French. The distance learning program we followed required recording her while she was reading or reciting some poems.

So we were at home, living in the Colombian Caribbean coast, talking about animals she could barely imagine (wolves, sheeps),  learning the names of the French rivers, the plants, the seasons, surrounded by palm trees in a country where winter and spring don’t exist (she mixed them for years).

Above all, with the fable, she was reciting a text I had learned as a child, written in this very old and classical French that reminded me of my own years at school, in a very distant place (and time).

Recorded by Christine Renaudat.

Part of the Migration Sounds project, the world’s first collection of the sounds of human migration. 

For more information and to explore the project, see https://www.citiesandmemory.com/migration