[John-Michael Lander] Episode 22 Updates // Part 1

Episode 78,   Jul 12, 07:00 AM

Episode image
Episode *Content warning: extortion, sextortion, sexual extortion, sexual abuse, sexual assault, trafficking, sex trafficking, self-harm, suicidal ideation, and suicide.

John-Michael Lander is a former Olympic-bound diver, actor, author, speaker, and advocate. His words and efforts have been seen everywhere from TIME magazine to the TED Talk stage; he has entitled his experiences of sexual abuse and trafficking “An Athlete’s Silence.” By sharing his story on What Came Next Episode 22 entitled An Athlete’s Silence and elsewhere, his goal is to bring awareness to predatory practices in the athletic and education worlds, as well as to change the way society receives sexual abuse victims. I am so honored he joined me again today to discuss updates in his journey. He also had the beautiful idea of flipping the script and host-swapping for the second part of the next two episodes. The Broken Cycle Media deeply appreciates John-Michael’s time, dedication to advocacy, and for the creativity he is bringing to the next couple episodes.

U.S. Sextortion Laws by State: https://www.bark.us/blog/sextortion-laws/
New Jersey Coalition Against Human Trafficking:  https://www.safernj.org/

Gavin’s Law. (n.d.). South Carolina Department of Education. Retrieved July 6, 2024, from https://ed.sc.gov/newsroom/strategic-engagement/gavins-law/

John-Michael Lander:
An Athlete’s Silence: ​​https://anathletessilence.com/
John-Michael’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnmichaellander
WCN Episode 22 [John-Michael Lander] An Athlete’s Silence: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/what-came-next/id1674051643?i=1000619765637