PREVIEW: #JOHN C. CALHOUN: Conversation with Professor Alan Taylor, author AMERICAN CIVIL WARS, re John C. Calhoun and Calhoun's stance on slavery and the power of the Federal government in competition with South Carolina's authority. Much more of this in
Jul 07, 02:02 AM
1860 John C. Calhoun
PREVIEW: #JOHN C. CALHOUN: Conversation with Professor Alan Taylor, author AMERICAN CIVIL WARS, re John C. Calhoun and Calhoun's stance on slavery and the power of the Federal government in competition with South Carolina's authority. Much more of this in weeks to come.
1860 John C. Calhoun i(1782-1850) in a cigar advertisement
1860 John C. Calhoun i(1782-1850) in a cigar advertisement