QROT-124: Reminder: Poison From Above

Jul 06, 10:00 PM

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A reminder/flag to watch a great documentary. A fundamentally important documentary. "The Dimming". *

Dane Wigington is one of the heroes. geoengineeringwatch.org

Plus a little bit of a preview and emphasis on the fundamental importance in case you didn't know that it was valid or maybe hadn't fully thought through just how fundamentally damaging it is.

0:00 Intro
0:26 Reminder of a commonality - nano-sized particles. In impossible-to-exaggerate destroyer of biological health.
3:08 Initial brief of ridiculous conceptual model - albedo reduction - without considering at all the obvious conceptual health destruction.
4:40 - - - - This ridiculous "solution" specifically matches the DEFINITION of air pollution.
5:15 - - - - Too tiny for any usual air quality measuring tools to even detect (!!!!). False negative when it is actually a much worse thing.
7:17 The secrecy complex as an enabler of these types of damaging programs.
9:48 - - - These programs go full-grown before public acknowledgment.
10:16 NOT condensation... say military and aviation experts on camera. Conditions for any regular condensation trails is already rare. ON-OFF discretely repeated in short distances is inherently a signal of mechanical trigger anyway as opposed to condensation trail. WWII vids that naysayers point to to say "it must be - look how far back we saw the same thing" is still only proof of early use. On-Off discretely over short periods.
PRIMARY cause of epidemic of autoimmunity.
14:42 The system you have right now creates the same effects, often via the same mechanism, as the problem. Viruses:Vaccines ; Air Pollution: "Albedo Enhancement"

NOTE: Believe I may have described albedo wrong - the idea is that they increase albedo, which is basically increasing reflectivity. But I may have said decreased or reduction.
CAVEAT: Of course I know of other alleged motivations beyond the most straightforward being reflecting the sun's heat. Motivations such as signal transmissions via HAARP and/or weather manipulation via HAARP. But I don't go into those here.

*I give a rumble link instead of the original post of the video at geoengineeringwatch.org. I do this because I don't understand why the truest activists, and Wiggington is one, would ever use the cesspool of disinformation that is youtube, which enriches horrific google on the way. But here is the geoengineeringwatch.org page that has the damned youtube version embedded, if you're more comfortable. 

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