QROT-120: Haley's Suspicious Advice to Democrats.We Undress Her Motivations.

Jul 01, 01:41 PM

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It seemed very suspicious to me that "Republican" Nikki Haley would show up within days of the Biden debate disaster with thinly veiled direct advice to the opposing party on how they need to go forward with a replacement candidate. 

Why would you just not watch the car wreck and happily understand that the Republican party may have the White House for 4 years? Why would you not just keep this advice within the Republican party leadership should the concerns she had come to pass?

But instead of telling her Republican party colleagues in some internal strategy session that perhaps the Democrats might go with a youth candidate, she blares it to the whole world not just that it might be their strategy but that that is what they should do. 

It really looks more like advice and that she's indicating "the right thing to do for the country," as opposed to the alleged  "warning" she was giving to "her" party.

Her answer -  a much younger candidate.

This echoed for me a bit of WEF strategies. Compromise and coopt young promising leaders and put them on the fast track. So it made me curious of Haley's WEF connections. Was she carrying the narrative water for Schwab and company? 

After all, if even the "opposing side " says that that's the obvious move then isn't it " less suspicious " once it happens?

So with one Brave search it was revealed that I was correct about WEF connections

This also makes more sense of why, despite never having good support whatsoever among polls, that Haley was the last one to drop out against Trump.

I may follow up on this one with more details.

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