Wednesday June 26, 2024: Sibling Rivalry; To Gift Or Not To Gift; Binge Watching

Jun 26, 01:46 PM

Episode image
What are the biggest reasons why people get divorced? Anna found one story that may be more ridiculous than others...

What's the most ridiculous argument you've ever had with your sibling?

The Presidential Debate has an interesting new tactic that might cause issues between the two candidates…

Is binging tv shows bad for your health?! Dr. Wider joins Anna & Raven to explain.

Do you prefer binge watching tv or episodic? Anna feels like the only person on Earth who like to watch TV the old fashioned way…

Do you still give your siblings gifts? Anna realized it’s her brother’s birthday and she didn’t get him anything. But should she?

What do you do with your pets when you go on vacation? Veterinarian Dr. Lisa Lippman spoke to Anna and Raven about how to care for your pets when you’re away!

Men have been going viral online for a new in-flight challenge. But Anna thinks that moms have been doing this for years!

Nick and Melissa are hosting a Fourth of July party at their home and invited many of their neighbors. They have not invited their direct neighbors because they really don't know them well. Melissa says that they should extend an invite because they live right next door and will be able to see that all the other neighbors are there. Nick says that they never even say hello to them, why would they invite literal strangers to their home? What would you do?

John has got a shot at $400! All he has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!