Season 11, Episode 26,   Jul 09, 2022, 09:00 PM

Speaker: Jordan Peterson

6 Ways To Become Mentally Strong

1. Let negativity from the past go, live in the present
Past experiences can have a dreadful effect on your future plans if you hang on to them forever. Whatever negative feelings you may feel from your past, they can make you weak, you got to solve them and let them rest in peace, where they belong, in the past!

2. Acknowledge weaknesses, and transform them into strengths
Whatever you aren't good at, you can get better at it and improve. You don't have to become the best in the world doing it, but if you improve in one weakness it's one less thing you have to be worried about. Imagine if you improve in ten? Twenty? Get the picture? The fewer weaknesses, the more confident you will become and therefore, stronger mentally.

3. Do what you plan, accomplish your goals
Nothing better than achieving what have you planned out. Most people plan a lot, do too little, and never finish what they started. This is a problem because anytime you don't finish, deep inside, you feel kind of incomplete, and that will make you weaker with time. As soon as you plan something, execute it! You may not achieve the goal right away but, you are closer to doing it than when you started.

4. Gradually learn to talk with yourself
We all talk with ourselves, how should one talk with himself? It's crucial to have the right words to say and the right questions to ask because words generate action, good or bad, it depends on the content. Start by listing what kind of things you say to yourself on a daily basis. Start to emend what you don't like on that list, by writing an alternative sentence in a positive and productive way.

5. Stop letting emotions take the best of you
Use reason and logic when making decisions, not what you feel at the time. Your life has a purpose, you have goals to accomplish. Those are your guidelines, anything that doesn't contribute to them will stop you, emotions are one of those things. Stay calm, remember your purposes and keep on going regardless of the circumstances.

6. Start to see others as part of your team
When other people accomplish something be happy for them in a genuine way. You can do that by seeing them as part of your own team. Their wins don't mean you lose, on the contrary, their wins are your wins because you are part of a team. It can be your family, your friends, your connections, or your working peers, you can have all of those teams.

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