GOOD EVENING: The show begins in Afghanistan where the sheik of Al-Qaeda, Al-Sayf, issues a pamphlet that beckons jihadists to travel to Afghanistan to receive training for transnational attacks. To Kabul, Brussels, Beijing, EU, to Moscow, Beijing, Pyongy

Jun 11, 01:21 AM

GOOD EVENING: The show begins in Afghanistan where the sheik of Al-Qaeda, Al-Sayf, issues a pamphlet that beckons jihadists to travel to Afghanistan to receive training for transnational attacks.

To Kabul, Brussels, Beijing, EU, to Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang and Tehran re: nuclear weapons. To Gaza, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and celebration for rescued hostages. To Lebanon, Cape Town, Santiago, Caracas, Havana, Brasilia, and Mexico City.

1910 Grenadier London