Friday June 7, 2024: National Donut Day; The Interns Say Goodbye; Mommy’s Margarita

Jun 07, 01:20 PM

Episode image
Celebrity breakups can be sad, but one long term celebrity marriage dissolution caught Anna by surprise!

Summer is grilling season but would you ever grill a pizza? Chef Plum from the Food Network explains how!

After 43 years, Pay Sajak is finally retiring from Wheel Of Fortune! But Anna has discovered the letter he left to his successor and she’s going to read it on the air!

Sometimes, even minor injuries can hurt a lot! Anna and Raven count down the top 5 most underrated pains!

Are you up to date on this week’s biggest news stories? Anna and Raven will get you caught up on what’s trending, including what your favorite donut says about you!

It’s the interns last day on the show! Anna and Raven want to find out what they’ve learned from their first experience working in radio!

What are the top five beaches in the country? Anna and Raven spoke to the legendary Dr. Beach to find out what makes a beach award winning!

It’s time for Mommy’s Margarita Friday!  Moms (and Dads) share all the crazy things that their kids have put them through this week that have definitely earned them a margarita!

Trevor constantly is on social media and “likes and comments” on ex-girlfriends and just random other girl’s posts. His girlfriend, Kristin, thinks it’s so disrespectful and weird. He says that if it was a woman commenting on a man’s page, no one would think anything of it. Do you agree?

Ron has got a shot at $4300! All he has to do is beat Raven in pop culture trivia!