Echo lift

Jun 03, 08:29 PM

Episode image
"Airports always leave me with mixed feelings - the excitement of going to new places, the strangeness of wandering in a non-place for a few hours, the nervousness from flying in a machine that might fall, etc. I usually pay attention to the people I encounter and think about their destinations, or who they might be. It's a place loaded with information and stimulae. I especially pay attention to the sounds, because there are layers and layers of noise, music, chattering, many different languages. 

"This piece reflects all that, as I took a part of the announcement, in a language I don't understand, but which seems to deliver the same information over and over. So i just added some music according to the tone of the voice to turn it into a kind of drone, replicating the voice multiple times. It takes us to something hovering over and over, and it's melancholic, in a way."

Tirana airport reimagined by Luís PInto.

IMAGE: I-Chase-Planes, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons