How Domain Alphas master success?

Episode 189,   May 31, 08:27 AM

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Domain Alphas are founders whose edge lies in their domain knowledge, and their market-tested experience of solving problems for customers. Watch Rajinder Balaram & Vikram Vaidyanathan share their views on Domain Alpha founders, and trade great examples of how Domain Alpha founders build great businesses. 

1. Getting to PMF Faster: How the experience of building the ICICI cards business helped the founders of OneCard launch slow, but get it right faster

2. Choose the Right Problems: How the founders of Country Delight didn’t rush, and spent a significant amount of time understanding the market problems before scaling 

3. Know the Consumer Deeply: Why Ola Electric chose to build in two-wheeler EVs when everyone was betting on cars 

Domain Alphas are able to turn their unfair advantage into real success. As a founder, you have it, or you have to acquire it. What do you do if you don’t have domain expertise?