TSOT081: Devastating Kiwi Stats Don't Lie, Pf-LIE-zer's Bourla does

May 26, 05:41 AM

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Passing on some important red pill statistical information from a New Zealand source. This source was an employee of the Ministry of Health. He looked at batch data including a total vaccinated and total deaths and was able to conclude statistically what a lot of us knew already. Particularly listeners of The Scales of Truth.

Of course for bothering to pay attention to reality this hero is being jailed by a country that supposedly has something resembling Western ideals. Australia and New Zealand have truly lost their way in the last several decades. Their leaders long ago took up the mantle of collectivist tyranny and this is just the latest. Love our people down there but it is lost. At least these heroes are speaking up anyway. In any batch of people there are stubborn heroes driven to tell the truth no matter what. In this case Barry Young is one.

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