Part 1: Heidi Chance, retired Phoenix Police Officer and experienced human trafficking expert

Episode 146,   May 27, 04:00 AM

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Heidi Chance provides insight on human trafficking, the dangers of the internet, and social media in these types of crimes

Murph talks with retired Phoenix Police Office Heidi Chance about her background and career in law enforcement.  Heidi also talks about her work in human trafficking and the difficulties of investigating these crimes.  She discusses the shift from viewing prostitutes as suspects to recognizing them as victims.  Heidi provides insight into the dangers of the internet and social media in the context of human trafficking, and pitfalls to be aware of.  She also talks about her book, 'Talk to Them: Navigating Difficult Conversations with Youth in the Digital Age,' which provides guidance on how to have conversations with children about the dangers of trafficking. Additionally, Heidi offers training and consulting services to law enforcement agencies and community organizations to combat trafficking.