lovelustfear | mira | a f**king broken mess

Episode 5,   May 08, 09:30 AM

Episode image
After tying the knot, Mira finds herself fostering an emotionally immature man-child whose public intoxication, abusive tendencies, threats of suicide, and troubling fixation with firearms put Mira and her daughter's lives at risk.


listen with caution | 00:00
next on lovelustfear | 00:16
about mira | 01:17
mira’s story | 02:05
questions & answers | 21:32
closing thoughts | 25:09
charity & organizations | 26:24
submit your story | 26:54
disclaimer | 27:05


“I never really learned how to date in a healthy way. in my twenties, I definitely was part of that more of a big, binge-drinking culture where you went out on Friday night and drank a lot. And so then I'd meet men drinking, and then they turned out to, you know, have alcohol problems.” - Mira

“When I started internet dating, I got all those responses, including him. We were first talking, and I took screenshots of those back then because I knew it was not quite right.” - Mira

“It was very eye-opening in a lot of ways because in a sense, it was like adopting him as a teenager, really what it felt like because I had taken on all of these responsibilities.” - Mira

“And I was afraid he was going to commit suicide. I was afraid he was going to kill us. and he was driving by the house and all this shit and so he had no support system. He's never had any friends.” - Mira

“I had to trust my path and I don't do well with that. I like knowing what comes next. So you have to trust that you will be okay and you have to lean on others and come into a space of receiving and acceptance and put that out into the universe.” - Mira

music | sounds

Music (CC BY 4.0):
Lost Place Atmospheres 002 by Sascha Ende
Very Low Note by Kevin MacLeod (

Other Music and Sound Effects by Geoffrey Harvey, Samuel Kamau, Alex Wit, cybercutie, Timothy Kulig, AlesiaDavina, Pixabay, Samuel F. Johanns, UNIVERSFIELD, Yevhenii Kovalenko, and TheoJT from Pixabay

Spacetime by Mountaineer

stay aware | follow | share (mira)

One Mom’s Battle
One Mom’s Battle is the intersection of narcissistic abuse and child custody issues. The mission at One Mom’s Battle is to raise awareness and educate family court professionals on post separation abuse as it relates to co-parenting and the family court system (divorce, paternity and child custody battles). Education on high-conflict individuals and post separation abuse will allow family court professionals (Judges, Commissioners, Magistrates, CPS workers, Guardian ad Litems (GAL), Parenting Coordinators (PC), Custody Evaluators, therapists and attorneys) to recognize the abusive dynamics that play out in the family court system so they can make decisions that are in the best interest of children.

National Domestic Violence Hotline (24/7/365)
Call 1.800.799.SAFE (7233)
Text: START to 88788

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