How to Feel Seen When It Feels Like You Are Hidden (And No One Understands You)

May 08, 08:00 AM

Episode image
Let me start by honoring the part of you that's fighting to be seen. God sees you and He knows. Not only does God know, but I also know this fight. 

I pray that, however hidden you feel, you find comfort in knowing that other women are trying to “get loud” so they can be heard, too. In Hebrews, scripture reminds us that we are not hidden from God. He sees and knows us on an intimate level. But even when the world doesn’t see us, will the Father's seeing us be enough for us? Do we believe He truly sees us and wants to comfort us? And do we allow Him to comfort us?

In this episode, I talk through practical steps to train yourself for Godliness, like acknowledging your feelings, reflecting on scripture, and practicing gratitude. You are deeply seen and known by God. Take comfort in knowing that you are never alone, for God's gaze is always upon you, guiding you with His grace and surrounding you with His unfailing love. 

Rooting for you,

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