RNIB Connect Voices Round Up 1 May 2024

Season 2, Episode 487,   May 01, 08:00 AM

Episode image
Clare Aldworth, RNIB Insight Community Manager shares the latest opportunities for blind and partially sighted people to get involved in with RNIB Connect Radio’s Toby Davey.

Opportunities highlighted this week included:

Your experience of website accessibility 
Tilly is a student studying Media Production at De Montfort University. She is currently undertaking research on website accessibility. Tilly is particularly interested in the experiences of users who have a visual impairment, but she’s also exploring other impairments and disabilities. She has created a short research exercise and is looking for volunteers to take part. 

You will be asked to take a look at 2 different websites. You’ll then complete a quick 5 minute survey asking you various questions on how accessible you found them. Tilly hopes that her research will help future website designers in making their website more accessible for all. For more details and to receive a link to the research exercise do email involvement@rnib.org.uk

Opportunity for podcast fans
Catalina is a student doing some research to explore the challenges faced by blind and partially sighted users when browsing podcasts and identify ways to improve accessibility on mainstream podcasting apps. She would love to hear from anyone who listens to podcasts and has a vision impairment.

You will be taking part in a 1-hour Zoom interview (with your camera off if you want!) to share your insights. Catalina will ask you some open-ended questions on your overall experience with podcast platforms, thoughts on browsing for new podcasts, frustrations, things you like, things you wish were different etc...
Catalina can be flexible in terms of scheduling and of course because the interviews will be online you can participate from the comfort of your home. 
Participants will receive a £5 giftcard for either Amazon or a place of their choice.
if you are interested in getting involved do email involvement@rnib.org.uk for more details.

To find out more about these and other Connect Voices opportunities along with how you can get involved with RNIB Connect Voices do visit - https://www.rnib.org.uk/connect-community/connect-voices-network/connect-voices-current-opportunities

(Image shows RNIB logo. 'RNIB' written in black capital letters over a white background and underlined with a bold pink line, with the words 'See differently' underneath)