TSOT080: WikiCensordia. Former CEO admits censorship regime.

Apr 19, 12:41 AM

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For those who aren't into close inspection, I suppose you could call it a "veiled admission."

But your esteemed hero is better than that. This is an admission of a "very active approach" to control information at Wikipedia.

Analysis and original audio included.

Now, recall, Wikipedia (who I GIVE to), through its "anyone can edit" policy already deals with the practical effects of interference by bad actors (many of which are PAID) who can take down content from those simply trying to give TRUE uncensored information that is highly relevant.

But this is beyond that. The foundation itself, not the anonymous hordes of censoring "private" editors, is admitting to approaching the two major 2020 events actively. In "CLOSE" cooperation with government.

And as with any civilization dying due to authoritarianism, prevalent lock-step citizens speak contradictory phrases consecutively, as this fool says this approach to actively monitor information for "accuracy" was necessary because covid by definition was "novel" and we knew nothing about it.

Yes... so isn't any and all information then even more relevant? Since we're in discovery?

NOPE. Not when you're doing the censorship bidding of others.

An interview excerpt of a Katherine Maher (ya don't say), as she discusses her realm as CEO at the Wikimedia Foundation, in front of the friendly faces at the Atlantic Council.

It is impossible to overstate how much the Authoritarian Inmates are Running the Asylum.

And they do so with a comfort that comes along with conspiring with such a large group of conspirators in high places, that they openly admit they're complicit with the government and technocrats in violating the First Amendment (yes, yes they are, not just in spirit but technically). 

[Explicit tag for a curse word or two]

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