Mighty Line Minute | Safety Message For Solar Eclipse

Season 1, Episode 15,   Apr 08, 05:00 AM

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Today on Monday, April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse will first appear to those in the U.S. at Eagle Pass, Texas. And at 3:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time the headquarters of Mighty Line Tape in Rocky River, Ohio will see its first total eclipse in more than a century! Of course I won't be at my desk at 3:15, as this important event represents a once in a lifetime opportunity to observe, share, and celebrate with family and friends. We wanted to provide some safety notes!

Greetings everyone, and welcome back to Mighty Line Monday Minute. I'm here to talk about effective safety messaging. Last week, we talked about the critical nature of using phrases and how often those are heard in Safety, but what really is effective? So let's get into it!

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We also talked about how to improve upon phrases we've heard before, rather than say, "Be prepared for the unexpected," "Risk assess, educate, communicate, then mitigate."

Today on Monday, April 8th, 2024, a total solar eclipse will first appear to those in the U.S. at Eagle Pass, Texas. And at 3:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time the headquarters of Mighty Line Tape in Rocky River, Ohio will see its first total eclipse in more than a century! Of course I won't be at my desk at 3:15, as this important event represents a once in a lifetime opportunity to observe, share, and celebrate with family and friends.

And to think that in many ancient cultures, solar eclipses were often interpreted as signs or omens from the gods or supernatural beings. In some cultures they were even seen as a manifestation of divine anger or displeasure. Or as a punishment for sins or wrongdoing. Some cultures believe that a solar eclipse occurred when a celestial creature or monster temporarily swallowed the sun!

Today, solar eclipses are significant events that capture the attention and imagination of everyone, leading to a rich tapestry of beliefs, interpretations, rituals, and connections across many different cultures. So why am I telling stories today?

Well, with safety, and especially for the art of effective safety messaging, it is often essential to begin by telling stories. That is because you can use those moments to catch and engage the interest of others, particularly if you want listeners to be able to take action with information that you plan on delivering. That is critical if you're hoping to change behavior and impact safety culture in a positive way.

So the next time you plan on delivering a safety presentation or giving a toolbox talk, try telling a story first. Engage your listeners in that manner, as opposed to simply talking about statistics, regulations, or even delivering charts. Just try it!

So, yes folks soon I will be donning my ISO protective eyewear for the solar eclipse and assure that everyone around me does so as well. I hope that you are able to learn from this. Most importantly, I hope that you continue to improve in your safety communications and take advantage of the tips that we have provided.

Do take a moment to listen to Mighty Line and what they have to say about their products and how they can be of help to you in assuring a safe workplace.