I Want You Back

Season 3, Episode 31,   Apr 04, 05:05 AM

Episode image

Discover how to come back after a period of rest with your favorite Marketing and Ministry Coach, Shameka "the real" McCoy.

3:30 Regret definition 
4:33 Penitence definition 
7:12 Can God trust you with what he called you to do? Can He trust you with the assignment He called you to do? 
8:11 What did God call you to do in the Marketplace? 
8:20 Contrite definition 
8:40 God is pulling you back 
Psalm 51:17 
My sacrifice, O God is a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. (NIV)

10:22 Dating example
12:24 Luke 22:31
12:41 Jesus prayed for you.
13:09 Luke 22:32 
2Timothy 1:5 - Timothy’s Mother & MaDear Prayers 
15:35 Luke 22:31 Commentary
16:45 How to Come Back After a Period of Rest
19:04 Romans 12:1-3 - Living Sacrifice 
23:36 Romans 12:5 23:36

Prayer Time

Deuteronomy 6:6-8 Talk about the Lord
Email Ministry@McCoyMarketingSolutions.com prayer request to your favorite Ministry/Marketing Coach