Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971)

Mar 25, 06:09 AM

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When toxic chemicals from the store’s smokestacks drift into Citadel and cause acid burns and death, Immortan Hoof pleads with Dave for their removal, with the help of Godzilla and the Smog Monster.

Let me just say this right now, folks: when someone tells you that hooking up smokestacks to your septic tank will result in a 95% reduction in airborne poo particles, they’re probably telling you a tall tale. Take us for example. We attach a pair of smokestacks, and before you know it we’re getting hit with lawsuits from people suffering acid burns and even death. But luckily, our old friend Immortan Hoof has provided us with a monster film that just so happens to tackle this very subject…

I’m your host, Dave, and joining me as we sit down for some Kaiju on Smog action are fellow cinephiles and bonfire-loving hippies Mike, Ryan, Jackie, and Nick “Immortan Hoof”.

Topics of discussion in this episode include Godzilla entering Fatality mode as he rids the Earth of Hedorah with Kano-like brutality; the 60’s are alive and well in Japan as we witness the psychedelic club scene in Tokyo; and finally, move over Mjolnir, because Godzilla has devised an even more outlandish form of propulsion: heat ray flying.

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That’ll do it for this episode, folks. And don’t forget - stop the spread of pollution! If you see a mound of smog with red eyes, punch through it with your fists! Together we can stop smog from ruining our planet, one glowy goo orb at a time! (This message brought to you by the Apocalypse Video “Save the Planet” Foundation).