Looking After Your Creative Energy

Season 2, Episode 47,   Mar 25, 12:38 AM

Episode image
Creative energy can make or break your book-writing process - when it’s lacking, things become frustrating. You lose enthusiasm for your project. It can also lead to burnout. So what can we do as writers to look after our energy? How can we avoid losing motivation to write and cope when our enthusiasm levels dip?

This episode is here to help you. 

You’ll discover:

  • My own struggles with maintaining creative energy these past few months - and how it’s impacted my writing journey and processes.
  • How reflecting on ‘memento mori’ - the inevitability of death - has made me realign what’s important to me when it comes to where I focus my energy.
  • Four things we can all do to keep our creative energy flowing and maintain momentum with our writing.
And lots more!

My creative energy is one of my most treasured things in life - and I know how important it is to cherish it. Actively protecting our writing time is the only way forward. It’s not selfish or indulgent - it simply means we can share our best work with the world and, most importantly, enjoy the journey.

Further resources

  • Books mentioned in this episode: 
Bird by Bird - Anne Lamott
The 5 Regrets of the Dying - Bronnie Ware

  • My book, ‘Dare to Write: How to Write a Nonfiction Book to Grow Your Business,’ is available now on Amazon or directly via my website.

  • Subscribe to my Substack - The Write Stuff - which is full of advice on writing and publishing a book in your niche.

  • Foundations Programme - all information and waiting list for the next cohort.
Connect with Steph:

Website: https://stephcaswell.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephcaswellauthor/?hl=en

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephcaswell/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/creatinghappywriters

Twitter https://twitter.com/stephcaswell_

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