AN 7.44 - 7.53 A Great Sacrifice

Mar 19, 2024, 06:52 PM

AN 7.44 Seven planes of consciousness in which beings may be reborn.
AN 7.45 The path factors are the prerequisite for right immersion.
AN 7.46 Seven fires, some physical, some psychological.
AN 7.47 The brahmin Uggatasarīra has arranged a great sacrifice. On Ānanda’s advice, he asks the Buddha how to make a sacrifice beneficial.
AN 7.48 Meditating on seven perceptions leads to the deathless, in brief.
AN 7.49 Meditating on seven perceptions leads to the deathless, in detail.
AN 7.50 The brahmin Jāṇussoṇī asks the Buddha about behaviors that are a blemish to the celibate life.
AN 7.51 By focusing on their own gendered attributes, a man or woman becomes attached to them and develops lust for the opposite sex.
AN 7.52 The lay followers of Campā seek a teaching from the Buddha. Together with Sāriputta, they ask the Buddha about what makes a gift fruitful.
AN 7.53 Sāriputta and Moggallāna are on tour in the southern hills. A deity informs the laywoman Veḷukaṇṭakī that they are approaching. When Sāriputta expresses his amazement that she speaks with the gods, she goes on to list many other of her own amazing qualities.