Homes for the Brave - Governor M. Jodi Rell Center for Public Service - ARI of Connecticut

Mar 24, 12:15 PM

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Every day thousands of Connecticut veterans and their families experience homelessness or are at risk to become homeless. So, we're reconnecting with Homes for the Brave -  working and growing to serve more vets and their loved ones with a range of critical supports and services, and inviting you out for a few laughs to benefit the agency at its 8th Annual 'For Veterans, By Veterans' Comedy Night.

Then we're replaying a visit we had in early January with the Governor M. Jodi Rell Center for Public Service at the University of Hartford - discussing how the Center is looking to encourage students and others to pursue careers in public service by providing a forum for the discussion of ethics in government; the importance of civil discourse in politics; and citizen involvement in public service.

And we'll close inviting you to the 18th Annual Walk for Independence to benefit ARI - one of the smallest providers of services for adults with developmental disabilities in the state. Learn how ARI's uniquely intimate program provides a “family like” environment and more individualized approach to services and supports based on each individual’s needs and interests.