"A New Creation” | 10Mar24 | Malcolm Cox

Episode 2177,   Mar 15, 02:53 AM

Episode image
A New Creation, 2 Co 5.17
Lessons from 'a new thing’ - Isaiah 43.19
Abraham: The promises of God (doing things his way) create a legacy far exceeding anything we can achieve by our own efforts
Rahab: When you get an inkling of God's movements, follow along and fit in, even though it might mean you lose your house!
Elijah: Get refreshed by God - don't give up
Daniel: Impact in a culture opposed to your faith
Esther: Don't underestimate the impact one person can have (with support)
Nehemiah: Blessed are those who mourn
Peter: Jesus has vision for flawed followers 
Samaritan woman: Jesus transforms our future
2 Cor 5.16-17 - what does this mean? Also Galatians 6.15

1. God Recreates Creation, Rev 21:1-5
A. God has a master-plan
Creation-Fall-Covenant-Law-Messiah-New Covenant-New 'Law' (new command, 'but I say')-New Creation (new people)-New Heaven and Earth

B. God has an inspiring vision
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.” (Revelation 21:1)
“And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.”” (Revelation 21:5)

2. Jesus Models the New Creation
Living the kingdom life - modelling it to us (inspiration to us)

A. New teaching, (Mark 1:27; Matthew 5:22, 28, 32, 34, 39, 44)
‘But I tell you…’

B. New command (John 13:34-35)
‘Love one another as….’

C. New relationships (John 15.15)
Friendship with Jesus and abba God - joyful obedience
With people - marginalised, hurting
Illustration: Jesus at the home of Simon the Leper, Mark 14.3-9
Being a new creation means being inappropriate in this creation
An inappropriate location - leper’s house
An inappropriate person - woman present
An inappropriate extravagance - alabaster, expensive perfume
An inappropriate gesture - shattered
An inappropriate identification - High Priest (like Aaron), King (like David), Prophet (like Elisha)

3. We are a New Creation
A. New relationships
With God as Father
With the lost as ambassadors
OC - lepers to priest. Jesus reverses this. Takes cleanness to the leper.
OC - go to temple in Jerusalem to seek God. Jesus reverses this. Takes ‘temple’ and presence of God to lepers and others.
With one another as family
We go ‘to’ people
We go to those who need us
We pay a high ‘cost’

B. New life,
The ‘full’ life, John 10.10 - this is discipleship, a life lived after Jesus
AIM programme — “Spiritual Life”
Our access is the death of Jesus, (Romans 6:1-11)

Call to explore the theme of 'a new creation', leading to 'a new thing'
Link to Lord's Supper - Prayer

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“Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.” (Psalms 100:2 NIV11) 

God bless, Malcolm