AN 7.21 - 7.31 The Vajji Seven
Mar 15, 2024, 09:07 PM
AN 7.21 The Buddha teaches the seven principles of non-decline to the Licchavis at the Sārandada shrine near Vesālī.
AN 7.22 King Ajātasattu of Magadha wishes to invade the Vajjians, and sends his minister Vassakāra to tell the Buddha of his intentions. The Buddha recalls the time he taught the seven principles of non-decline to the Vajjians.
AN 7.23 The Buddha teaches the seven principles of non-decline to the mendicants.
AN 7.24 -27 The Buddha teaches seven principles of non-decline to the mendicants.
AN 7.28 Seven qualities leading to the decline of a mendicant who is a trainee.
AN 7.29 Seven qualities leading to the decline of a lay follower.
AN 7.30 Seven failures for a lay follower.
AN 7.31 Seven ruins for a lay follower.
AN 7.22 King Ajātasattu of Magadha wishes to invade the Vajjians, and sends his minister Vassakāra to tell the Buddha of his intentions. The Buddha recalls the time he taught the seven principles of non-decline to the Vajjians.
AN 7.23 The Buddha teaches the seven principles of non-decline to the mendicants.
AN 7.24 -27 The Buddha teaches seven principles of non-decline to the mendicants.
AN 7.28 Seven qualities leading to the decline of a mendicant who is a trainee.
AN 7.29 Seven qualities leading to the decline of a lay follower.
AN 7.30 Seven failures for a lay follower.
AN 7.31 Seven ruins for a lay follower.