Adrian Paternoster, VI Artist, Makes Art to Make Other People Happy

Season 2, Episode 402,   Mar 13, 03:00 PM

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We have all probably wanted to turn a hobby into our main focus of life but perhaps being diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa would not be the trigger to do so, well for Adrian Paternoster from Buckinghamshire it has definitely done so and in many ways turned his life around too.

After diagnosis with retinitis pigmentosa Adrian turn his hobby, painting into the main focus of his life . 

Adrian has been donating his completed canvases to the general public in Buckinghamshire by leaving them in prominent places in towns and other locations to give joy to others and through his work, Adrian hopes to show other people 'you can make the impossible into the possible'.

Adrian also dreams of one day having his work hanging on the walls of Tate alongside well-known British Artists.

RNIB Connect Radio’s Toby Davey caught up with Adrian to find out more about how his life has been turned around, an insight into his paintings and why he donates his completed canvases to strangers.

You can find out more about Adrian and his work by following his Facebook page ‘Just Be Youu’ or via the following link -

(Image shows one of Adrian Paternoster's paintings, pink, blue and yellow bursting floral shapes and butterflies against a dark blue background, 'a piece of pure imagination with the iconic logo of the couple under an umbrella')