GOOD EVENING: The show beins in Palo Alt discussing inflation and how to get away from it. To Berlin, to Gaza, to Lebanon, to Tehran and Moscow. Then the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. To the South Pole of the Moon. to Ike's farewell January, 1961.
Mar 07, 01:48 AM
GOOD EVENING: The show beins in Palo Alt discussing inflation and how to get away from it. To Berlin, to Gaza, to Lebanon, to Tehran and Moscow. Then the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. To the South Pole of the Moon. to Ike's farewell January, 1961. To Boca Chica, then to Mars and the forlorn samples prepped by Curiosity. To Moscow, to Occitanie, to the Cenral African Republic with the Russian Africa Corps.
2920 Boma
2920 Boma