Learn How to “Deny Yourself” in a Way that Honors God without Denying Your Humanity

Mar 06, 09:00 AM

Episode image
“I don’t know how to process through what I am feeling and struggle with anxiety daily,” a coaching client of mine told me. She continued, “I have been taught my entire life to deny myself, so how do I honor God but also honor who He made me?”

Maybe, like my coaching client, you have felt the same way, a world where you need to get yourself together before you can go to God. In this episode, I walk through some scriptures about denying ourselves that are commonly misunderstood and explain how denying our flesh allows our life in Christ to grow, strengthen, and develop. 

I’m praying you know you can go to God with how you feel. You don’t need to pretend or deny any part of you because He already knows every part. I know this may not feel easy, but freedom is on the other side.

Rooting for you, 

Next steps:

Get my free 3-day study and learn how to deal with your emotions in a biblical way: https://www.jessicahottle.com/3-day-study/

Work with me 1:1 as your mental health coach: https://www.jessicahottle.com/mental-health-coaching 

Check out my biblical studies: https://www.jessicahottle.com/shop 

Work with me in my Untangle Your Thoughts program: https://www.jessicahottle.com/heal

Email me at >> jessica@jessicahottle.com